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CosmoTek electronic limited

CosmoTek electronic limited


CosmoTek, your global source for electronics, is a leading independent distributor of military and commercial semiconductors, integrated circuits, Hard to find and Obsolete active electronic components. Our professional, customer centric staff possess a wealth of industry experience and market knowledge, good at developing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with customers and suppliers.
Skype: belle-smt

Специализация: Hard to find and Obsolete electronic components.

Производители: EPSON Fujitsu NEC OKI Toshiba mitsubishi Sanyo Samsung ADI Atmel AMD Fairchild Intel Maxim Micron ON semi TI VISHAY Linear Microchip IR infineon NXP ST Xilinx.

  • Китай, Shenzhen
    3302B,SEG Plaza, Futian Dist.ShenZhen
    Тел.: (86) 15602901509
    E-mail: sales@cosmo-tek.com ·   668002653
Просмотров карточки: 2470
Переходов на сайт: 455

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