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General electronics (Hk) Co.,Limited

General electronics (Hk) Co.,Limited


Our company is very good reputation in electronic industrial over 8years, because we do not sell counterfeit goods. Perfect Quality , our company supply all components is working & functional that we can guarantee all clients.
Welcome you inquire us you needed components. we will respond your RFQs at first time.

Специализация: Our company is very good reputation in electronic industrial over 8years, because we do not sell counterfeit goods. Perfect Quality , our company supply all components is working & functional that we can guarantee all clients. Welcome you inquire us you needed components. we will respond your RFQs at first time.

  • Гонконг, hongkong
    HUAQIANG PARK ,Fuhong RD ,Futian District, Shenzhen P.R China, д. 2109
    Тел.: (+86) 18927485811, факс: (+86) 75582802966
    E-mail: ou8312@gmail.com
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