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ChipFind поиск электронных компонентов



Hard Find Electronics Ltd is a professional supplier in electronic components. As an ISO 9001:2008 Certified distributor with 10 years of experience, we have established long term relationships with over 10,000 OEM, CEM, brokers over 60 countries, including USA, UK, German, France, Japan, Israel, Russia, Brazil etc. Confidently, we are able to lower your cost and support your business with our years of professional service.

  • Китай, Shenzhen
    315, Shahe Rod, Long Gang District, Shenzhen, CN
    Тел.: (75584188303) 75584188303
    E-mail: crystal.hardfind@gmail.com
Просмотров карточки: 391
Переходов на сайт: 384

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