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Hong Kong YST Electronics Co.,Ltd

Hong Kong YST Electronics Co.,Ltd


Why Hong Kong YST Electronics Co.,Ltd:

As a leading independent distributor of electronic components,We are More professional on:

1.Global supply chain network focus on hard-to-find and Obsolete parts.
2.Established a complete supplier bidding system, provide best price to our clients.
3.Quality assurance: Unique 3 Steps inspection process.
4.Established customer and Supplier ERP System with detailed records of each customer or Supplier transaction history, traceability big database as reference to verify every partner.
5.Return policy and warranty makes clients worry-free on their purchasing.

Специализация: We are independent distributor of electronic components.

Производители: Xilinx, Altera, ADI, NXP, Infineon,Microchip,Fujitsu, TI, ST

Регионы: Russia

  • Китай, shenzhen
    Huaqiang North, д. Seg plaza, оф. 3807
    Тел.: (86) 18617079151
    E-mail: marvin@byd.gd.cn
Просмотров карточки: 63
Переходов на сайт: 17

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