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iBelieve Technology Ltd

iBelieve Technology Ltd


iiBelieve Technology is an export company and independent distribution of electronic components multi brands and multi lines. We are the ideal partner for your supply all different kinds of products.
Active parts,passive parts,transistors,diodes,sensors,
switches,modules,LCD......The quality of these components is essential to our international reputation is the reason that our suppliers are carefully selected to establish peaceful cooperation over the long term.The aim is to provide a powerful service-oriented offer increasingly competitive, economic and advantageous.We provide utmost service and handle all the needs.

  • Китай, Shenzhen
    No 40 dongfuwei str,fuyong,baoan
    Тел.: (0755) 28639781, факс: (0755) 28637612
    E-mail: anna@hkibeltech.com
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Переходов на сайт: 164

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