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завод г.шанхай клапан хугун КНР


Shanghai Hugong Valve Factory (HG) is a large enterprise of manufacturing valves which has a history for decades. It is listed in the “ten best brands” of China famous valves and is authorized the right of self-managed import and export business.

Специализация: Shanghai Hugong Valve Factory (HG) is a large enterprise of manufacturing valves which has a history for decades. It is listed in the “ten best brands” of China famous valves and is authorized the right of self-managed import and export business.

Производители: задвижка ,клан шаровой ,затвор поворотный дисковый ,клапан обратный ,отсечный клапан

Регионы: шанхай

Сумма минимального заказа: 1

  • Китай, шанхай
    Шоссе Хуа Гао NO555, д. Промышленн
    Тел.: (0086) 021-39900003, факс: (0086) 021-39901228
    E-mail: 201816@mail.ru
Просмотров карточки: 895
Переходов на сайт: 1021

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