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Founded in 2014, kratom.org is a non-profit organization dedicated to the safety of consumers in the United States. The organization is composed of scientists, law enforcement, doctors and other people who are interested in the proper understanding of Kratom and its effects on human health. Besides educating consumers about Kratom, the organization also advocates for the legal protection of consumers in the United States.

kratom.org is committed to educating consumers and regulators about kratom, so they can make informed decisions about its use. kratom.org has developed a program to educate consumers, suppliers and law-making bodies about kratom, and to ensure that kratom products are safely and reliably handled and sold. Those interested in gaining more information about kratom can visit the organization's website. They also have a mailing list and a contact form. They offer a range of educational resources on kratom, including a Kratom Science page. Those interested in learning more about kratom can also sign up for kratom.org email newsletter.

kratom.org believes that the United States has an unhealthy and outdated mentality when it comes to kratom. It wants to change this mindset. It is working to promote safety and education for consumers in the United States, and around the world. It is also committed to expanding the safe use of kratom in other states.

kratom.org is focused on promoting kratom as a safe plant medicine that is not narcotic. It has been debunked as a cause of death, and it has many therapeutic benefits. It is a natural alternative for many conditions. It is also used for medicinal purposes, and is an excellent alternative for opioid painkillers.

kratom.org has developed a quality standard for kratom, which includes independent testing of each batch. kratom.org also has a code of conduct that assures professionalism and a positive image of Kratom. This means that manufacturers have to clear an official audit before selling their products. They also have to follow specific guidelines, including the use of cutting-edge machinery and hygiene procedures.

kratom.org is a nonprofit organization that is registered in Virginia. It is dedicated to protecting consumers from unfair legislation and protecting natural resources like Kratom. It is also dedicated to promoting scientific research about Kratom. It also fights against anti-kratom legislation in the United States. They are currently fighting to remove restrictions on kratom in some states.

kratom.org is a consumer advocacy organization, and it works with a group of loyal consumers. It is also dedicated to giving voice to the consumers of kratom. The organization also promotes safe and legal use of kratom by working with reputable vendors and suppliers. It also educates the public and regulators about kratom, which can change attitudes about kratom and help bring about the safe use of kratom in the United States. It also provides educational resources and support to consumers.

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