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LIXINC Electronics Co., Limited is one of the leading independent distributors of professional electronic components and electronic components. from the beginning of the initial development of many professional-quality staff, forming scientific, perfect, and efficient human architecture. And have established good business relationships with many famous integrated circuit manufacturers and agents.

Our main aim is to effectively meet customer requirements, to offer best prices with strict quality control, to give over 1 year or more quality guarantee, to search and find out the short supply IC over the world. For many years as specialized supplier of electronic component and good relationship with the worldwide electronics manufacturers, Broker, Agents, Commission and more, our low cost, high efficiency, and good services are our significant advantages and has brought about our reputation of the trade. Welcome congregations in business negotiations, mutual benefit and common development.

Agent distributes the world a wide range of famous brands IC: ADI,ST,TI,NXP,ON.MICROCHIP,MAXIM,INTEL,ALLEGRO,ALTERA,AOS,AVAGO,INFINEON,RENESAS,ROHM,XILINX,MPS, etc. World-renowned IC and power modules, IC, IGBT, IPM,PIM controllable silicon rectification bridge diode, including communication, semiconductor, instrumentation, aerospace, computer and surrounding products, consumer electronics, etc.

Специализация: The company mainly facing two major domestic and foreign traders and terminal factory users, which has now become a very peer and factory preferred supplier. Plenty of spot inventory quality products, satisfactory price, flexible and fast operation give customers a convenient service to create a good double effect. We make as follows All products provided by LIXINC Electronics Co., Limited make electronics are the original original brand new authentic to ensure product quality; 2. All products provided by LIXINC Electronics Co., Limited make electronics meet the industry technical standards and quality standards, which meet the original technical parameters standard requirements (guarantee original sales) If there is a quality problem in the product, the company has no conditional responsibility to return or exchange. Vision Create a world-leading mixed electronic components IC supplier, spot stock sales, service global Mission Provide electronic components supporting services to the majority of cooperative customers, to create better life for corporate employees, making more contributions to society Do your product with your heart, we have been on the road! The product is suitable for the industry is: security, Tongxun, medical, automotive electronics, smart home, electric power, power, optical engine, lighting, instrument, consumer digital products, etc.


  • Китай, shenzhen
    Metropolis 100 Building, No. 4 Zhonghang Road, Huahang Community, Huaqiang North Street, Futian Dist
    Тел.: (+86) 75583998536
    E-mail: sales@lixincchip.com
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