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SDES LIMITED was founded in 2001. A world-class provider of active and passive semiconductors, embedded technology products, hard drives and LCD displays.Our company specializes in the sourcing and supply of obsolete and currently available electronic components. With over 15years of market expericence servicing our end-users.
SDES LIMITED is a professional electronic distributor. Major Parts and Manufactures like XILINX ALTERA AD,TI,ATMEL, CYPRESS, MICROCHIP, SAMSUNG, MICRON, ELPIDA, NANYA , etc. Two warehouses in Shenzhen and one in Beijing enable us to ensure ample supply and prompt delivery. We have grown quickly and build a reputation for excellent quality, reasonable price, outstanding service and business excellence.

Специализация: ICs Active electronic components and passive electronic components

Производители: Texas Instruments, NXP, Atmel, AD, TI, Maxim, Spansion...

Регионы: China, ShenZhen, Futian

Сумма минимального заказа: 20$

  • Китай,
    Rm 61898,Golconda Electronics Market,Zhenhua Rd, Futian District,Shenzhen,China.
    Тел.: (+86755) 23823366, факс: (+86755) 83649156
    E-mail: sales06@sdes-ic.com
Просмотров карточки: 115
Переходов на сайт: 35

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