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Smith & Associates is the #1 ranked Independent Distributor according to both Electronic Buyers' News and Electronic Business. Annual sales are $470 million. Smith & Associates buys, sells, stocks, imports and exports semiconductors and other electronic components used in computer systems, computer peripherals, industrial machinery, medical equipment, automobiles, video games and other high-tech systems. Smith has trading offices in Houston, California, New York, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Korea, Guadalajara and Barcelona .

Специализация: Smith has recently expanded our in-house anti-counterfeit testing lab to include: X-ray machine, de-capsulation machine, ROHS analyzer, solder-ability test system, high powered luxo microscopes, and chemical solutions. We can also offer several valued added service programs such as PPV cost savings, last time buy, BOM management, component hubbing, and excess disposition

  • США, Houston
    5306 Hollister
    Тел.: (1) 7134302173, факс: (1) 7134302199
    E-mail: eburger@nfsmith.com
Просмотров карточки: 1384
Переходов на сайт: 524

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