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Электронный компонент: HD6435368S

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Hitachi Single-Chip Microcomputer
H8/534, H8/536
HD6475348R, HD6435348R
HD6475368R, HD6435368R
HD6475348S, HD6435348S
HD6475368S, HD6435368S
Hardware Manual
OMC 932723248
The H8/534 and H8/536 are high-performance single-chip Hitachi-original microcomputers,
featuring a high-speed CPU with 16-bit internal data paths and a full complement of on-chip
supporting modules. They are ideal microcontrollers for a wide variety of medium-scale devices,
including both office and industrial equipment and consumer products.
The CPU has a general-register architecture. Its instruction set is highly orthogonal and is
optimized for fast execution of programs coded in the high-level C language. For further speed,
the existing 10-MHz lineup has been extended to include high-speed versions that operate at
16 MHz. Low-voltage versions that operate at 3 V and 2.7 V have also been developed.
On-chip facilities include large RAM and ROM memories, numerous timers, serial I/O, an A/D
converter, I/O ports, and other functions for compact implementation of high-performance
application systems.
H8/534 and H8/536 are available in both a ZTAT
version* with on-chip PROM, ideal for the
early stages of production or for products with frequently-changing specifications, and a masked-
ROM version suitable for volume production.
This manual gives a hardware description of the H8/534 and H8/536. For details of the instruction
set, refer to the
H8/500 Series Programming Manual, which applies to all chips in the H8/500
* ZTAT (Zero Turn-Around Time) is a trademark of Hitachi, Ltd.
Section 1 Overview
Features 1
Block Diagram 5
Pin Arrangements and Functions 6
1.3.1 Pin Arrangement 6
1.3.2 Pin Functions 9
Section 2 MCU Operating Modes and Address Space
Overview 23
Mode Descriptions 24
Address Space Map 25
2.3.1 Page Segmentation 25
2.3.2 Page 0 Address Allocations 26
Mode Control Register (MDCR) 27
Section 3 CPU
Overview 31
3.1.1 Features 31
3.1.2 Address Space 32
3.1.3 Register Configuration 33
CPU Register Descriptions 34
3.2.1 General Registers 34
3.2.2 Control Registers 35
3.2.3 Initial Register Values 40
Data Formats 41
3.3.1 Data Formats in General Registers 41
3.3.2 Data Formats in Memory 42
Instructions 44
3.4.1 Basic Instruction Formats 44
3.4.2 Addressing Modes 45
3.4.3 Effective Address Calculation 47
Instruction Set 50
3.5.1 Overview 50
3.5.2 Data Transfer Instructions 52
3.5.3 Arithmetic Instructions 53
3.5.4 Logic Operations 54
3.5.5 Shift Operations 55
3.5.6 Bit Manipulations 56
3.5.7 Branching Instructions 57
3.5.8 System Control Instructions 59
3.5.9 Short-Format Instructions 62
Operating Modes 62
3.6.1 Minimum Mode 62
3.6.2 Maximum Mode 63
Basic Operational Timing 63
3.7.1 Overview 63
3.7.2 On-Chip Memory Access Cycle 64
3.7.3 Pin States during On-Chip Memory Access 65
3.7.4 Register Field Access Cycle (Addresses H'FE80 to H'FFFF) 66
3.7.5 Pin States during Register Field Access (Addresses H'FE80 to H'FFFF) 67
3.7.6 External Access Cycle 68
CPU States 69
3.8.1 Overview 69
3.8.2 Program Execution State 71
3.8.3 Exception-Handling State 71
3.8.4 Bus-Released State 72
3.8.5 Reset State 77
3.8.6 Power-Down State 77
Programming Notes 78
3.9.1 Restriction on Address Location 78
Section 4 Exception Handling
Overview 79
4.1.1 Types of Exception Handling and Their Priority 79
4.1.2 Hardware Exception-Handling Sequence 80
4.1.3 Exception Factors and Vector Table 80
Reset 83
4.2.1 Overview 83
4.2.2 Reset Sequence 83
4.2.3 Stack Pointer Initialization 84
Address Error 87
4.3.1 Illegal Instruction Prefetch 87
4.3.2 Word Data Access at Odd Address 87
4.3.3 Off-Chip Address Access in Single-Chip Mode 87
Trace 88
Interrupts 88
Invalid Instruction 91
Trap Instructions and Zero Divide 91
Cases in Which Exception Handling is Deferred 91
4.8.1 Instructions that Disable Interrupts 91
4.8.2 Disabling of Exceptions Immediately after a Reset 92
4.8.3 Disabling of Interrupts after a Data Transfer Cycle 92
Stack Status after Completion of Exception Handling 93
4.9.1 PC Value Pushed on Stack for Trace,
Interrupts, Trap Instructions, and Zero Divide Exceptions 95
4.9.2 PC Value Pushed on Stack for Address Error and Invalid
Instruction Exceptions 95
4.10 Notes on Use of the Stack 95
Section 5 Interrupt Controller
Overview 97
5.1.1 Features 97
5.1.2 Block Diagram 98
5.1.3 Register Configuration 99
Interrupt Types 99
5.2.1 External Interrupts 99
5.2.2 Internal Interrupts 101
5.2.3 Interrupt Vector Table 102
Register Descriptions 104
5.3.1 Interrupt Priority Registers A to F (IPRA to IPRF) 104
5.3.2 Timing of Priority Setting 105
Interrupt Handling Sequence 105
5.4.1 Interrupt Handling Flow 105
5.4.2 Stack Status after Interrupt Handling Sequence 108
5.4.3 Timing of Interrupt Exception-Handling Sequence 109
Interrupts During Operation of the Data Transfer Controller 109
Interrupt Response Time 112
Section 6 Data Transfer Controller
Overview 113
6.1.1 Features 113
6.1.2 Block Diagram 113
6.1.3 Register Configuration 114
Register Descriptions 115
6.2.1 Data Transfer Mode Register (DTMR) 115
6.2.2 Data Transfer Source Address Register (DTSR) 116
6.2.3 Data Transfer Destination Register (DTDR) 116
6.2.4 Data Transfer Count Register (DTCR) 116
6.2.5 Data Transfer Enable Registers A to F (DTEA to DTEF) 117
Data Transfer Operation 118
6.3.1 Data Transfer Cycle 118